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Conference Registration
Now the conference is open for last minute registration. Please register for the conference by 16 October 2024 the latest.
Conference fees
Registration is required for attending the conference. A registration fee of 1000 CNY is applied for delegates without a paper for presentation. The registration fee is waived for research presenters, committee members, and organisors (A&F members). There are no fees for journal paper submission.
In case of display errors, please click this link to register. You will receive a confirmation email of successful registration shortly.
1. High-speed railway: For delegates arriving at Yangling South Station by high-speed railway, it is recommended to take a taxi or a ride-hailing service. It takes about 10-15 minutes to reach the Northwest A&F University (South Campus).
2. Train: For delegates arriving at Yangling Station by train, it is recommended to take a taxi or a ride-hailing service. It takes about 5-10 minutes to reach the Northwest A&F University (South Campus).
3. Plane: For delegates arriving at Xi'an Xianyang International Airport by plane, different route options can be chosen depending on the actual situation to reach the Northwest A&F University (South Campus). These include: Route (1) Take the airport shuttle bus from Xi'an Xianyang Airport Terminal 3 to Yangling; Route (2) Take the subway Line 14 (towards He Shao direction) to Xi'an North Station, then take the high-speed train to Yangling South Station; Route (3) Take a ride-hailing service or taxi directly to Yangling.
Note: (1) Both hotels are located on campus, and the distance between them does not exceed 100 meters. (2) Yangling has two train stations: Yangling South Station (for high-speed trains) and Yangling Station (for regular trains).
1. 高铁:乘坐高铁至杨陵南站下车的参会代表,建议乘坐出租或者网约车,耗时约10-15分钟,可抵达西北农林科技大学 (南校区) 的外国专家公寓或农民发展学院宾馆。
2. 火车:乘坐火车到达杨陵站的参会代表,建议乘坐出租或者网约车,耗时约5-10分钟,抵达西北农林科技大学 (南校区) 的外国专家公寓或农民发展学院宾馆。
3. 飞机:乘坐飞机到达西安咸阳国际机场的参会代表,可根据实际情况选择不同路线方案,抵达西北农林科技大学 (南校区) 的外国专家公寓或农民发展学院宾馆。具体包括:路线 (1) 从西安咸阳机场T3航站楼乘坐机场大巴至杨凌;路线 (2) 乘坐地铁14号线(贺韶方向)至西安北站,然后从西安北站乘高铁前往杨陵南站;路线 (3) 乘坐网约车或出租车至杨凌西北农林科技大学 (南校区) 。
注意事项:(1) 两个酒店均在校内,且相距不超过100米。(2) 杨凌有两个火车站:杨陵南站(高铁到达)、杨陵站(绿皮车到达)。